Shopify Checkout Extensibility - Customize checkout in 2024


Lukas Schmidt, August 29, 2024

Shopify Checkout Extensibility - Customize checkout in 2024

Reading time: 7 minutes

Checkout.liquid will soon be shut down, making Shopify Checkout Extensibility the only way to customize your checkout process and set up tracking professionally. That's why we're taking a closer look at Checkout Extensibility and its possibilities.

Checkout.liquid is shut down by Shopify

Shopify recently announced that checkout.liquid will be shut down as early as August 13, 2024. The exact schedule is as follows:

  • August 13, 2024: checkout.liquid has been deactivated for information, shipping and payment pages.
  • August 29, 2025: checkout.liquid will be deactivated for thank you and order status pages, script tags and additional scripts on the pages will no longer work.

Therefore, you are now under pressure if you want to continue to make adjustments to the checkout or keep your already optimized checkout.

Why is it important to customize the checkout?

Customization is important to create a seamless checkout experience. A visually appealing checkout process is also required for a high conversion rate. Otherwise, customers may abandon the purchase process.

Shopify Checkout Extensibility, what is it?

Shopify Checkout Extensibility combines all functions to enable the customization of the checkout page. It includes a collection of functions, but is reserved for Shopify Plus merchants.

What characterizes Checkout Extensibility

Checkout Extensibility uses apps for customization instead of the necessary changes in the theme code. This makes it easier to set up, without the need for a developer.

Updating also involves less risk. Errors after updating Shopify are reduced. As all changes are managed via apps.

Checkout Extensibility works seamlessly with Shop Pay, the in-house payment gateway for efficient Shopify payment methods.

My assessment: Shopify is moving away from code towards user-defined apps. The backend should be user-friendly and can be managed without developers. At the same time, the Shopify ecosystem should be strengthened. The only downside is that only those who upgrade to Shopify Plus will be able to make checkout adjustments in the future.

The advantages of Shopify Checkout Extensibility

For all Shopify Plus merchants, Checkout Extensibility offers more ways to customize the shopping experience. Shopify now allows you as a merchant to customize branding natively after the shopping cart through UI extensions for a better user experience. But there are even more advantages, let's take a closer look at them.

Fast loading Loading times thanks to optimized checkout process

Shopify strives to speed up the new checkout. With the upgrade to Checkout Extensibility you get faster thank you and order status pages due to shorter loading times as well as the possibility for a one page checkout. What has long been a difficult topic is finally possible for merchants thanks to the upgrade to Checkout Extensibility.

My assessment: Quick and easy = higher conversion rate

Customization through apps for better branding

The customization with the new Checkout Extensibility offers merchants the opportunity to create a personalized shopping experience. The addition of custom colors and fonts, layout freedom, and the ability to use third-party apps allows you to customize your checkout to your brand's specific needs. The result is improved branding and better customer loyalty.

My assessment: Customization on thank you and order status pages has been a pain point for online stores for a long time. Finally, Shopify allows merchants to customize the checkout pages and bring in their brand identity here as well. Wonderful!

Store Pay Integration

Straightforward payment processing is important at the end of every order process. Thanks to the seamless Shop Pay integration, this is no longer a hurdle. This strengthens customer trust, which minimizes abandoned purchases.

My assessment: Fast and simple payment processes also ensure better conversion. 

Easier updates and greater security

Updates are an issue that should not be underestimated when operating an online store. By switching from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility, update compatibility can be increased, which leads to fewer problems and also increases security.

My assessment: functionality is the magic word. Being able to update stores easily will make many retailers happy.

New features and UI extensions

The addition of new features no longer needs to be implemented with code. Innovative apps that enable new checkout functions can now be obtained from the Shopify App Store. The tools open up many new possibilities for merchants.

My assessment: With this step, Shopify is moving further towards app-based solutions, which is exactly in line with its concept.

The technology behind Checkout Extensibility

Checkout Extensibility replaces checkout.liquid and brings some technical advantages. Let's take a look at the technical details to understand the changes.

Tracking a must for e-commerce retailers 

Tracking in the Shopify checkout process using Checkout Extensibility allows merchants to integrate custom tracking scripts and applications to get detailed analytics about customer behavior during the checkout process. Here is an overview of how this works:

Shopify Checkout Extensibility: The foundation

Shopify offers a variety of tools and extensions that allow you to customize the checkout process. These APIs and extensions ensure that you can add custom features without compromising the security and integrity of the checkout.

Add tracking scripts

Developers can insert customized scripts that are executed during checkout. These scripts help you to integrate various tracking methods, including

  • - Google Analytics
  • - Facebook Pixel
  • - Customized event tracking systems

This allows you to precisely track how your customers behave in the checkout.

Use Shopify APIs

Shopify provides powerful APIs that allow you to track and analyze checkout events in detail. These include:

  • - Order API: This API helps you to retrieve order information and track order events.
  • - Checkout API: With this API you can monitor the checkout status and track checkout events.

These APIs offer you the necessary flexibility and depth for comprehensive analyses.

Checkout UI extensions

Thanks to the new UI extensions, you can customize the user interface of the checkout. Developers can create custom UI components to add additional tracking elements that are specifically tailored to your needs.

With these Shopify Checkout Extensibility options, you are ideally equipped to track and optimize the checkout process seamlessly and effectively.

Overview of customization options

FunctionShopify PlanEffectExample
Branding APIShopify PlusDesign of the checkoutUse corporate design in the checkout
Checkout UI ExtensionsShopify PlusCustom UI & content Display of product range before checkout
Web Pixel ExtensionAll plansMaking purchasing behavior traceablePossibility of using tracking pixels to collect relevant data on customer purchasing behavior.
Shopify FunctionsAll plansCustomizability of the backend logic New opportunities for discount campaigns
Extension of the checkoutAll plansPossibility of creating a page after purchase.Additional information can be entered or further products can be displayed.

The switch from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility

All changes that you have implemented in checkout.liquid will initially be lost as a result of the changeover. Use this opportunity to validate your checkout process, decide what should remain as it is and what no longer needs to be implemented in the checkout or needs to be implemented differently.

Design adjustments in the checkout

You can now customize the checkout. With the checkout editor, you have the option of editing the checkout with a visual interface. Without the use of code, you can adapt fonts, colors and the layout to your branding.

You also have the option of using the Branding API to fully customize the checkout to your company's corporate design. This API allows you to implement colors, fonts and logos in the checkout so that the shopping experience is seamlessly integrated into your branding. You can enforce specific design guidelines that increase the recognition value of your brand and strengthen the trust of your customers. This option is a decisive advantage, especially for companies that attach great importance to a consistent brand presentation.

Custom UI components through checkout apps

The Checkout UI Extensions allow you to integrate custom UI components directly into the checkout. This goes beyond simple design customizations: for example, you can display specific product offers, cross-selling elements or additional payment options tailored to the individual customer. This flexibility gives you the opportunity to design the checkout not only functionally, but also strategically to maximize the conversion rate.

An example of this could be the insertion of an exclusive offer directly before payment, which is only available for a limited period of time. Such measures can increase the basket value and at the same time positively influence the customer's purchase decision.

Extended Shopify backend logic through Shopify Functions

Shopify Functions is a powerful tool that allows you to customize the backend logic of your checkout. Whether it's implementing special discount promotions based on specific purchase criteria or personalizing checkout steps, Shopify Functions give you the flexibility to implement almost any business logic.

One use case could be, for example, the automatic adjustment of shipping costs based on the customer's location or the provision of specific payment options depending on the shopping cart value. This advanced logic allows you to not only adapt the checkout to the needs of your customers, but also to optimize internal business processes.

Integration of third-party apps for additional functions

One of the greatest strengths of Shopify Checkout Extensibility is the seamless integration of third-party apps. The Shopify App Store offers a variety of apps specifically designed for checkout. These can help you implement additional features such as loyalty programs, gift cards or even A/B testing for checkout.

By using these apps, you can further optimize the checkout and tailor it precisely to the needs of your target group. The simple installation and configuration of such apps makes it easier for you to integrate advanced features into your checkout process without major development effort.

The switch from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility

Switching from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility may seem challenging at first, but it offers you the chance to fundamentally revise and improve your checkout process. While all previous customizations in checkout.liquid will be lost, the switch offers the opportunity to adapt the checkout even better to the needs of your customers and your branding.

With the checkout editor, you can design the checkout visually and develop a customized, powerful checkout solution by integrating the aforementioned APIs and extensions. This visual editing environment allows you to design and customize the checkout in real time without having to rely on code.

Conclusion: The path to the future of e-commerce

Shopify Checkout Extensibility offers you as a Shopify Plus merchant a future-proof solution that allows you to optimize the checkout process not only visually but also functionally. By combining the Branding API, Checkout UI Extensions and Shopify Functions, you can create a seamless, brand-compliant and user-friendly checkout experience. At the same time, you benefit from increased security, easier updates and the ability to continuously improve the checkout and adapt it to new requirements.

For all Shopify Plus merchants, switching to Checkout Extensibility is not only a necessity, but an opportunity to turn the checkout process into a real competitive advantage. Use this opportunity to take your online store to the next level and adapt the checkout to the growing expectations of your customers.

Frequently asked questions

Why is checkout.liquid being abolished?

checkout.liquid is being abolished to make the checkout safer, faster and easier to update. Shopify wants to optimize performance and implement innovations faster with a standardized solution. Customization is still possible, but via new tools such as Shopify Functions and Checkout Extensions.

What will happen to checkout.liquid after August 13?

After August 13, 2024, checkout.liquid will no longer be supported by Shopify. This means that merchants will no longer be able to customize the checkout process via the checkout.liquid file. All individual customizations that were previously made in this file will no longer work.

Instead, merchants need to switch to Shopify Checkout Extensibility to continue customizing the checkout process. Shopify offers new tools such as Checkout Extensions and Shopify Functions, which can be used to make customizations secure and compatible with future updates.

What can users without a Shopify Plus plan who previously used checkout.liquid do?

Users without Shopify Plus who previously used checkout.liquid will need to switch to other checkout customization options, as they will no longer have direct access to it after August 13, 2024. Here are the options:

  1. Shopify Apps: There are many apps in the Shopify App Store that allow for various checkout customizations, such as adding upsells, personalized messages, or special discount features.
  2. Shopify Scripts and Flow: For certain customizations, users can use Shopify Scripts (for Plus) and Flow to create automations and rules that affect the shopping experience.
  3. Checkout Extensions (for Shopify Plus): Although Checkout Extensions are mainly intended for Shopify Plus, regular users can look for alternatives or consider upgrading to Plus if they need more in-depth customization.
  4. Combine themes and apps: With a well-customized theme and suitable apps, the checkout process can be greatly influenced even without direct editing of checkout.liquid.

Without Shopify Plus, merchants have to be creative and use the tools and apps that are available within their plan restrictions.


Luke Schmidt

Senior SEO Consultant

As an SEO expert and content marketing manager, Lukas successfully increases the visibility of our clients in Google. He shares his in-depth knowledge of online marketing, SEO, e-commerce and Shopify on the Golden Web Age blog.

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